How to push Profile changes?

I’d created a profile for my residentials to watch for extended high CPU usage, high net bandwidth, events 55/6008. All well and good until I added a few clients that do a ton of downloading (torrents, etc). I’m not their police so that’s their business BUT I got inundated with tickets about the bandwidth usage so decided I could probably do without that one. Went into the platform, removed the network usage monitoring element and saved. While at it, set the Profile to update daily. That was 3-4 days ago and I’m still getting tickets created, almost all about the same client - even though I’ve removed that part of the profile and, AFAIK, it should have updated days ago to stop creating tickets.

What am I missing here?

Hello @PromptCare ,

Please make sure the device that is generating the tickets only has one profile under “Associated Profiles” section, if multiple profiles are associated the network monitoring component must be removed in every profile. If that’s not the case, export and send us the profile at for further investigation.

I’d not realized that ITSM has added its own profiles as defaults without my interaction. I cleared those a few hours ago now so that only my one edited profile is THE default (not just A default). There is now only one Windows default profile.

I’m mainly getting alerts from the two machines that I’ve added recently. One PC has reset itself now, showing just one profile associated. On the other machine, though, the extra profiles are still there “successfully processed” and, if I go into Manage Profiles, there are no profiles shown at all, not even my default.

Looking at a few online PCs on the list, though, some have reset down to one profile but some of them are still listing the new profiles still in place which brings me back to the original question of: How do I push the profile changes? Do I have to delete the ones that you’ve added completely? And how long is a reasonable time for this to happen?

Hello @PromptCare ,

A Default Profile is being used when no custom profiles are being applied to a machine in a different way - you can apply a profile on a Device and/or Device Group and/or User and/or User Group. As soon as you apply a profile to a Device/Device Group/User/User Group it will replace all the profile applied by default. The new profile(s) will be pushed and the default ones will be removed according to your Get Command period.

​​​​​​​Please let us know if this helps.

Going to the three main PCs that have been shooting off alerts today, one has updated properly, it seems. The other two had 4 profiles showing and, again, Manage Profiles was blank. I found that I had to Add my own default in order for that to show up there and, going back to applied Profiles, it would reset/remove the others.

As a side note, in the Device list, it looks like it would be possible to use the select all checkbox, and then Manage Profiles to do them all en masse but as soon as you select more than one device, Manage Profiles becomes unusable. Is that by design? I would think that doing all at once would be the way to do it.

Hi @PromptCare

It is by design for now and we are looking to improve that soon. You can assign profiles to multiple devices by using device groups.

Default profiles are like placeholders. If you don’t assign any specific profile to any device or device groups or user or user groups (all possible), then default profile would apply to those endpoints.

Please don’t use multiple Windows profile as default but chose one to be applied as placeholder. Remove the other profiles from default list for managing with specific, intended rules.


I hadn’t. They were assigned by ITSM. Three additional Windows profiles were assigned to all my devices without my input or permission.

Hello @PromptCare ,

We will contact you over email to get more information so we can help you with this issue.