How-to request - flag an Android app as "not malware" or "not a PUA"

I’m getting repeated alerts from ITSM indicating that I have a PUA on a client device, an I’d like to be able to flag the application being recognized as “not malware” or “not a PUA”. How can I do this?

Hello @jbrooksbudhoo ,

For threats identified from Android Devices, if the identified item is a false positive, select the app from the list and click ‘Ignore Malware’ from the options at the top in your ITSM Dashboard.
This is all explained here:
Should you need help with anything else, please let us know.

If I have manual control enabled, I can do that - the issue is, the alerts comes up every morning for the same application and clearing it seems like a step I should be able to avoid.

Further, if I have “Automatic Response / Ignore” selected for Android Antivirus, I get the malware alert every morning and cannot select the “malware” to set it to Ignore; it just sits there in the Current Malware list (even though it’s not supposed to, per the article you linked).

In either case, what I would like to be able to do is permanently flag an application to be ignored by the malware scanner. Is there a way to do so?

Hello @jbrooksbudhoo ,

The “Ignore Malware” option can be used only if the Android Client Configuration Antivirus section is set on Manual Control. Regarding the fact that using the “Ignore Malware” option doesn’t remove the entry from the Current Malware List - I have escalated this to the appropriate staff for further investigation and we will reach back to you with additional information as soon as possible.
You have the possibility to define an AV exclusion list through the profile associated with the device. in the “Antivirus Settings” - “AV scanning exclusion list” section. Please check the guide for more details:…evices.html#av