How to track service date?

How with SD (or entire C1) we can track device’s last service date and schedule next service day? Is any automations of this workflow?

Hello @Sergey ,

It depends on what is the typical service that you provide. If it is a simpler software maintenance like a system cleanup, you can schedule a procedure to run automatically at predefined times.

When we should note customer, bring device to SD and do something. Mark this day as last service day and So on.

Hello @Sergey ,

In order to better understand your request would it be possible to provide us with full details on the feature that you would like implemented?
Right now Service Desk is not centered around Devices. We currently have Users and Companies, so it will help us, if you provided a clear example of what task needs automated.

If it is around individual customers, I am thinking more about CRM system, notifications options.

All interactions with the Client should be transacted through the CRM, Everything gets moved to CRM including projects, billing etc. except tickets which are managed with SD and referenced in CRM.

  1. Customer bring device to us for service. Wich module we should use for it?
  2. Across year same customer again bring to us this device. Wich module we should use for it? Ho we can avoid to enter device data again?

If this device - home PC or office PC? Advising use CRM? So why users in SD? PC enrolled - still use CRM? Tickets also may be billed - copy-past ticket to CRM? Original version of CRM also have Tickets module but it was removed in C1 edition.

Hello @Sergey ,

We will contact you over email to discuss this feature.