How to use New Comodo Remote Control

Introduction: New Comodo Remote Control, It has secured login, device list view and many other functions on our native desktop application and in ITSM. You can launch the application and establish a remote connection directly from your desktop without the need to open the web browser.

New Comodo Remote Control (admin application) supports both Windows and macOS X devices. You can start a remote session from you macOS X device to a Windows endpoint with the new application.

1) Takeover from ITSM Web console:

Step [1]: In Applications Device Management

  1. Go to Device List → Select the device →click on Remote control

  2. In Remote Control → Select With New Comodo Remote Control from drop down

Step [2]: Download The New CRC Application and install on your Desktop, If it is already available skip to next step. Click on “Link” as shown in below figure (Click this LINK to take over the device). Also, Click " Open CRControl Application " to start a remote session.

Step [3]: Login into your Existing Comodo One account or by Technician account who has access to ITSM module alone.

1)Login using Comodo One credentials. Example

2)Login using ITSM Portal credentials (Users with Subdomain access only). Example: kiran123-msp


After Giving your Credentials you can start Your remote session as shown below,

2) Take over from Desktop:

You can manually Launch the Application in Your computer and can access multiple remote sessions which are enrolled into your account by Comodo one Account.

Step[1]: Login into your Existing Comodo One account or by Technician account who has access to ITSM module alone.

1)Login using Comodo One credentials. Example

  1. Login using ITSM portal credentials (Users with Sub domain access only). Example : kiran123-msp

Step [2] : Click on Online devices → Select the device -→ Start Accessing the Remote Session By clicking "Remote control "



After Selecting the device you can Start the remote session