How to view all common list of files with verdicts over “File List”

Admins can able to preview all common list of files with verdicts over “File List” tab under Security Sub-Systems> Application Control menu. Unrecognized, trusted, malicious tabs are merged which allows admins to monitor all the common list of the file verdicts in a unified menu.

Step [1]: Goto SECURITY SUB-SYSTEMS –> Application Control.It will display all the common files as a list of the categories such as trusted,malicious, unrecognized.

Step [2]: To view trusted files under comodo rating use filter comodo rating.

For viewing the trusted files approved by admin can be filtered by using filter admin rating.

Step [3]: To view unrecognized files on the list of common files use the filter for comodo rating.

Unrecognized files based on admin rating it can be filtered as,

Step [4]: Likewise malicious files can also be seen as a list on comodo rating

Admin approved malicious files are shown under admin rating,