How to work from home with ITarian Remote Control during the COVID-19 outbreak!

Hello Everyone,

The obvious reaction to COVID-19 is remote work for most companies. Many employees are working from home in order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Now employers are facing dramatically lowered productivity due to the lack of Remote Accessibility safely between home and workstations.
Your customers will benefit from using the ITarian Remote Control in order to work between workstations and home remotely.

With ITarian you can enable your customers and their employess to work remotely within after 15-minute setup!

ITarian Remote Control allows you to:

  • Administer devices connected to the network remotely.
  • Troubleshoot issues faster.
  • Access files located on devices or servers connected to the network.
  • Define accessibility rights to files for different categories of users.
  • Get faster access to files for more efficient business response.
Need help with using ITarian Remote Control? Play the how to video

For additional information about COVID-19, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

Best Regards,
ITarian Product Management Team

The video being honest is not great; and we have this up and running for our clients now.
Takes a little to make sure all is secure and working; but does work extremely well.

If anyone needs help getting this done please let us know.

I’m interested Rob on how you’ve set this up.

I did have a go the other day but the process was so long winded that I gave up and we went back to providing them Zoho Assist accounts on our backup remote platform.

I’d obv prefer them to be using our itarian platform. Could you give me/us an idea on how you locked it down pls? all we need is Customer A only allowed to access their own remote control endpoints.

Itarians Remote Access app doesnt appear to be useful for this purpose as it doesnt do unattended access.


Hi @Ed_Johnson

No Worries at all!

  • Inside RMM I would suggest you expand Users and click on Role Management
  • Add a new role, maybe with a name like "COVID_19__CompanyA"
  • Open the role and make the following changes
  • Role Permission tab expand Remote Control and select on remote-control & remote-control.takeover
  • Save the changes
  • click on the Access Scope tab and un-select all companies and select only the company for this group of users.
  • Now you have your roles you can create users and apply this role to them
this a bit of a rough guide but should get your there.

Do you mean add a group for each remote user? Otherwise Wouldn’t this setup be an issue if each user can see all machines in a group, and if user “A” is already logged in, and user “B” starts a remote session on user “A” pc. I guess the audit feature would tell who if anyone did this… but seems problematic… am I missing some way to give a user specific access to only their device?

Hi @miker1000

I do mean roles as groups do nothing here.
Inside a role you can setup the remote permission but also the access scope to which devices can be seen.

There is a new ITarian webinar series on this coming online very shortly so keep eyes open

Ok. In the meantime could you give a rough guide with a little more detail than the above to setup?

Ok, does the user only have remote access to the computer, that they are an owner of?

Also, I’ve setup a test user, but it will not log in to the remote control utility, giving the wrong user or password error.

thank you for the assistance.

You can use a generic account like suggested to access the remote client control center.
You will still need your windows username and password to log into the computer you want to control.
no difference then when someone is in an office with physical access to multiple computers.

every client can see all machines in a gathering, and if client “An” is as of now signed in, and client “B” begins a distant meeting on client “A” pc. I surmise the review highlight would tell who in the event that anybody did this… be that as it may, appears to be hazardous… am I missing some approach to give a client explicit access to just their gadget?