Hows does ITRIAN compare to Labtech (Connectwise Automate)


We are an MSP and we currently pay for and use Labtech. We are experiencing to major issues with Labtech. It is slow, and it is impossible to push out Windows 10 build updates via the platform. Does anyone know how ITARIAN compares overall to Labtech and specifically these issues?

Hello paynent,

I am a Consultant Engineer for ITarian - All updates for Windows 10 can be pushed out through the platform. These updates can be installed on demand to single devices or multiple devices and can also be scheduled for deployment to groups of devices as well. I would like to personally address all the issues you are experiencing with Labtech and assist you in testing out the free IT Management platform that we offer here at ITarian.

You will receive an email from me momentarily to schedule a time for a demonstration if you are interested in that.

Ryan Turner
Consultant Engineer Manager

Phone: 862.228.3390
Cell: 973.769.2788

As a former LabTech user I find ITarian a lot more faster and easier to manage, Patch Management to Windows 10 hasn’t been an issue for me. The only thing I would takeaway from LabTech is the staging of patches but hey I’ve been able to work without it.

LabTech is a good platform, but it is very heavy compared to Itarian.

Being lighter you do lose some features, but these are coming to Itarian and fast!

Patch management in Itarian is very good, powerful and customisable so you will be very happy.

If you have questions or need help please ask us at the community or one of the support team.