HPIA scan and apply

Good morning;

I’d like to request a procedure to Update the firmware/hardware drivers on an hp system.

on target a device;

  • suspend bitlocker protection
  • copy HPIA,
  • extract,
  • scan
  • apply all
  • Reboot
Is this something Itarian can help with?

Hi @HeathBurt,

Thanks for the script request. We have asked our script developers to check and provide feedback on this.

Kind Regards,

Hi @HeathBurt,

Our script developers are requesting remote session to analyse the script request. Can you help us by allowing remote?

Kind Regards,

Hi @HeathBurt,

Please check this script and provide your feedabck

Kind Regards,

The procedure downloads HPIA from one drive and unzips it. but it doesn’t run/scan/apply nor does it suspend bitlocker.

I tried to sign in to the script site to see if there was a feedback option but it loops me back to my endpoint manager console.

A lot of the login surfaces do not match up…for instance I cannot login to these forums from the link in my dashboard in comodo one.

Hi @HeathBurt,

Thanks for checking and providing feedback. I have asked our script developers to check.

Kind Regards,