I cannot wait any longer need to seek other solutions

I want to thank the individuals that have tried to help me. Since I cannot log into the console and the patch management does not work. I had the issue escalated and have not heard back in over a week. I cannot wait any longer I will need to seek out another solution. If I cannot use the product it does me no good. Good luck


Could you please let us know which case number you currently have opened (it’s possible that it’s referred to as Ticket ID) so we could refresh the info about it? Or perhaps was it in a different forum post?

Later edit: Please disregard the previous message, we did find the post.

it was 2 seperate tickets PCX-398-59713 ESW-825-95364

You can disreguard PCX-398-59713 after I replied with ticket numbers I decided to try 1 last thing. disabling ipv6 from my network adapter properties. now I can get into the console. however the patch manager still does not show anything


Thank you for the update on PCX-398-59713.
Regarding ESW-825-95364, the case was escalated and a fix has been found. We have made the necessary corrections and they will go live next week.

Can confirm the IPV6 does give issues when trying to log into the RMM console both portable version and 64 bit install. I’ve replicated this on two Comcast connections. Problem was resolved by disabling IPV6.

Thank you for confirming budda.