Ideas / Suggestions

Hello there,

I’ve been playing around with Comodo1 the past few weeks and here are just a few observations:

  • Branding - Hiding the system tray icon - When ever I start a computer with the agent installed I always see the agent tray icon appear and then disappears when it fully loads. Any way to stop it from being displayed totally? I would also like to be able to change the 'Add remove programs' entry and start menu items. (I know how to do this using procedures but having it builtin would be handy)
  • Agent install/uninstall triggers - What would be great is when you install the agent on a customers computer that you have an 'install or uninstall triggers' which you can associate procedures to.
  • Procedure Variables - Would be really handy to have variables that could be used in procedures without having to hard code e-mails, names etc... %name%, %company%, %e-mail% etc...
  • API - Is there anyway to currently grab any data from Comodo to integrate into other systes i.e. accounting software for billing
  • Alerts based on Procedures - Lets say I'm running a procedure which does a simple 'wmic diskdrive status results' then I could generate an alert based on the reply?
  • Windows Event monitoring - Would be nice to be able to add a description
Under 'Installed Apps' I can't get anything to list. I've tried pressing the update button but nothing?

Only things I can think of so far.


Hi @jmitservices

Great input! Team would be contacting soon but I want to answer a few of these right away.

Hiding tray icons is already possible. Please check this:

Some of the other items are also on the roadmap and in progress.

Installed apps information is not collected on some of the environments. It would be fixed on the release this saturday.



what will make this product great, is great feedback! Thank you!

I’ll do anything to help the progression of the product!

One more thing I can think of… When using the table filters, it would be nice if they saved. As soon as you move to a different page they are reset.

Just as a query were you thinking that the agent install triggered procedure would be to run an “on boarding” script to apply specific settings and/or perhaps install some software?

Exactly this!

yep, cool that would be damn useful

I can see under the summary tab that these things are monitored…

CPU usage
11% (3401 MHz)
RAM usage
31.94% (5223 MB of 16351 MB)

I’m guessing historic data is stored for these values? Would it be possible to have some nice graphs?

I agree some trending graphs would be great. also maybe the top 3 applications using the most of said resource?

Hi @jmitservices

Thank your for sharing your insight We will try to answer all of your concern and will update you as soon as possible thru an email. We will just need to confirm if those insight are already part of the upcoming release, if not we can include that as a next feature request. Thank you for your patience



Going back to the Windows Event ID monitoring…
I’ve got a monitor setup to monitor for ID 7. When its triggered under the additional information it saids:

Event Log Monitor : Condition: Event ID = 7 is occurred - Event is occurred.

Would it be possible to add more information about the event? If I look-up the error in event viewer on the computer it gives me this…

The device, \Device\Harddisk2\DR6, has a bad block.

Obviously that gives me more information about the cause of the problem without having to run additional procedures or actually remote into the computer.

It would be nice to be able to install the Patch Manager (not the ITSM Patch Manager but the Other Patch Manager) / directly from ITSM, since its not a simple deploy msi file, but requires a complex command unique to your account, it would be nice if ITSM could Install the regular patch manager just like it has the ability to install RMM, under, Install Updates or Packages “Other Comodo software (Additional Comodo Packages)” and where you have the option to Instal RMM, Install or Update Comodo Security Suite, etc., it would be nice to install Patch Manager that is linked right to your C1 account, or at least have a way to deploy it straight from your account once ITSM is installed.

Idea # 1 Follow-up :: Install Patch Manager using ITSM “Install Packages or Updates Feature > Install Additional Comodo Packages”

I was sent a private message about specifics - but it may have been for my post in the other forum for asking for a custom script to run this in the meantime. But in case you need more details/explanation - this is what I mean:

Hello - this is not a custom patch manager, but part of the Comodo One platform from…tch_management (once logged in). However it is not the ITSM Patch Manager, but the other Patch Manager agent downloadable/ found at (windows version) (UNIX and OS X Mac Agent).

However, to install said agent on a computer and link it to my C1 platform account (and the specific sub/customer-company on my account) I have to transfer the msi file to the computer where I want to install it and then open a command prompt (run cmd as Administrator) and paste this command: msiexec /i patch_agent.msi /qn AGENTUSERNAME=agent_myMSPagentIDstringHERE PASSWORD=myAPIstringHASHEDpasswordforC1here CUSTOMER=myC1customerIDstringHERE

(The command would be different for each customerID within each MSP’s account as the customer ID string would be different). The agent username and api/hash password is unique to the MSP as well, just like ITSM MSI deployments.

Now that command has to be run from the command prompt (the command prompt must be run as admin) from my experience, and that command will then install Comodo Patch Manager on the computer and link it to my C1 account and to the specific customer that is specified there.

I have later also had to go back to some computers and Allow the program to pass through Windows firewall after it installed. (same with ITSM, and not just ITSM agent but some of the processes as well like pmm.exe, rmm.exe, smm.exe or whatever the other one is, but the Patch Manager I definitely had to allow through the Firewall before it would finally show up on my C1 dashboard).

Idea #2 - Move ITSM Users to Another “Customer/Company”

I would like to take a ITSM user and assign them to a different company. Right now I have to delete them and then recreate them and re-assign the company when I re-create them. ITSM allows you to change ownership of devices to another user in another company, and it allows you to edit a ITSM user, and most of the fields are editable, except the company field is static, though the field was selectable from a drop-down list when you first created the user in ITSM in the first place (I am not talking about global staff users, but individual device users, though it would be nice to be able to limit staff users to a specific company as well - but I am more interested in ITSM device users and being able to move them to a different company at the moment, with their current device, rather than changing the device owner, perhaps a function “Move Device User” or “Push User” to another company - or since you have a “Add to Groups: feature - why not “Add to Companies” or Assign to Companies/Unassign from Companies/Remove from Companies”?

Hi @navcom

We are already migrating to ITSM Portal for all Patch Management needs. It already supports Windows Operating System patches as well as 3rd party application patches. We highly recommended that everyone start using the new patch management system built in and integrated in ITSM rather than the stand alone module.

In the near feature, stand alone patch management portal support will be discontinued instead fully replaced by the built-in, Integrated ITSM Patch Management.

That is a pity, I like the standalone module mutch better than ITSM. It seems to work better, it supports more custom software, the GUI is a lot nicer, I love the color theme, it gives more variety to C1 platform, and the other features of the patch management application such as the memory and CPU usage and HDD usage visual gages as the top of the screen, and the charts and graphs, and all the different pages, sure the information on those pages might be available “somewhere” on ITSM or another feature, but on Patch Manager or “Legacy Patch Manager” it is so much easier to find and the reports have more information, they look nicer, you can generate a graph just by clicking on an application and see its status. You can toggle/approve items to globally install, or you can do it computer by computer. I saw something similar on ITSM but it is just not the same. The GUI is much more colorful, user friendly,(looks more like a Comodo product) and gives variety to C1, has various status icons all over that help give you a clear picture, whereas ITSM is all 1 color and more on the boring side, though I know you are constantly working to improve ITSM. I highly recommend keeping the current patch manager or moving it over into ITSM and integrating it with ITSM so they are together in one piece so we do not lose all these rich features. I do agree that having two seperate agents on a endpoint is a bit silly when one agent should be able to do the trick, but the other agent seems to have a much more user-friendly GUI in my opinion. I’d really hate to lose it. In fact I use it every day. It’s only when there is a problem with a specific windows update that I resolve to using the ITSM patch management (as I stumbled on ITSM patch management by accident and didn’t even know it was there, and then I had the demo with the product engineer show it to me). Anyways, that’s my two bits,