I'm Confused!!! Update Build Numbers not matching.

So after the update I installed the “latest” CCS on my laptop IT WAS 10.3, however my install shows 10.2? the notes say “Windows Client - Security (RC)”

Also the Audit screen shows “Latest version:” ??

What’s going on?

Hello James.
Sorry for this confusion. CCS release was rescheduled as it is currently passing the Quality Assurance stage. It is planned to be released on Wednesday 7-th of March.

Ok, looks like the install was 10.2 AFTER the Update?

		<td>Device install additional comodo package</td>
Version of Comodo Client - Security: Reboot Message: Your device needs a reboot because it's required by your administrator Reboot type: Warn about the reboot and let users postpone it Timeout: 300 second(s) 87q9hru0urn174lr9j90f0o3nj 2018/03/03 12:00:39 PM

Ok, I must have missed this announcement ??

Should have been better publicised.

@melih @melih1 @Ilker
Another 1 step forward 2 steps back :frowning:

no backward step James…2 forward step…first on 3rd…the other on 7th…
We only want to give you the best, even the smallest things we find during QA has to be fixed before the release. That’s why the 4 day delay.

I don’t have any problem with the delay !! :wink: but notification of problems, outages and changes is lacking. That was my point. It update is great.

@dittoit the problem their release notes are still not detailed enough, when compared to how other companies operate.

Well the release notes on March were good. Full pdf and there was individual thread on each update. But the CCS was miss reported. In the release notes it says 10.3 however it never got released but postponed. Again I don’t have a problem but this was not advertised anywhere? Or I missed it :wink:

Hi James,

Due to issues found in last minutes, we couldn’t release the CCS together with the others. I also agree that we could and should have communicated this better and we already fixed the messages accordingly today. Thank you for pointing this out.

I also thank you for appreciating the improvement on the release notes.

Hi Alex,

What else do you like to see in release notes? What kind of details would you like see in addition to current explanations?

Best regards,

Hi @Ilker

If you are releasing now on 7/3/18, when will CCS10.3.0.6593 be available to test on the beta platform?
I feel there are probably more changes made than you actually list on the release notes, but maybe I am wrong. I’ve provided this example previously of detailed release notes https://zensoftware.co.uk/mdaemon/releasenotes.aspx let me know your thoughts.

Also, will there be any ITSM downtime when you update the release version of CCS?

New version should be already available on the Beta and we don’t expect any downtime on ITSM as far as I know. However, I will ask development team for confirmation as well.

Thank you for the example. As far as I see, they listed every single fix regardless of the fix scope. I will discuss the same methodology with team to see how we can improve our notes.


You’ve made massive improvements recently, keep it up.

@Ilker CCS on the beta platform has still not been updated.

Hi Alex,

Sorry for any inconvenience. Team double checked and confirmed that it is available now. Could you please try again?


Yes, thanks, it has updated, but this now only allows your external beta testers less than 48 hours to test before you release the version, not the normal 7-10 days.

Hi @nct .
This is the same version that you had ability to check for 2 weeks just with additional bugfix that’s why the time for testing on Demo is less then usual.

Ok, what is the bug fix?

That is a regression bug that was not in previous versions. Such bugs are treated as Critical and release can not be proceed. So after fixing of that - we are running testing and good to go.

Hi @Ilker

Is CCS still being released as planned?

Don’t worry, with the next update everything will be solved!