I'm Having Issues Rolling Out Profile Updates

I Have Created a single Profile for each device which is custom. i made some changes to it on monday its thursday now and these still have not hit the device although it says its the current defualt policy for each device.

Any Ideas?

I refer to policy’s as profiles sorry if i confused anyone.

Hello @liharris30 ,

Can we have more information please?
And can we know what Comodo product you are referring to?

Thank you,

I’m using comodo ITSM and have one Profile I setup for all Windows Device as off monday any changes i made don’t appear to be rolling out for example

Show shared space shortcut on the desktop

Enable local user to override profile configuration

and a few other minor changes to UI And External Device Control

These devices have been assigned correctly as everything else works and on the endpoint C:\ProgramData\Comodo\Comodo ITSM\Profile.bin shows as being updated recently.

@liharris30 ,

We thank you for explaining the situation you are experiencing. We will reach you via support ticket for additional details in resolving the case.