This script will install COMODO -Client Security(CCS) from the Network share. Please ensure that you have setup file in network share.
- Filepath= r'\\Win-biktodgscbo\f' ##Provide the network share file path
- share_user= "abc" ## Provide the user name for the shared path
- share_pass= "xyxz" ## Provide the password for the shared path
- Setup_Path_X64= r"CIS_Setup_CES_Toucan_10.0.1.6361_Release_x64.msi" ## Enter the .msi file name for 64 bit
- Setup_Path_X86= r"CIS_Setup_CES_Toucan_10.0.1.6361_Release_x86.msi" ## Enter the .msi file name for 32 bit
Run as " SYSTEM USER "
Script’s Link - https://scripts.comodo.com/frontend/web/topic/install-ccs-from-network-share
install-ccs-from-network-share.json (2.72 KB)