Install soft

Very often we install soft. There are many projects wich provide software auto-installation based on desired soft set.

I think be useful if C1 will be integrated with one of these services or implements its own.

For example, we run procedure “Install soft pack 1”, and ITSM agent automatically installs in silent mode all soft from Pack 1. Of course, soft repository must be periodically updated.
Also this module may track updates and apply updates to installed soft.

Hello @Sergey ,

We have escalated your request and we will keep you updated on the progress.

Thank you for your feedback!


You can tell us which software, we can get them added to our appstore asap.
this way by using scripts you can simply install it from our appstore.

This be enough for start

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Adobe Flash Player
  • Kl-codec Pack
  • Comodo free antivirus
  • 7-Zip Archiver
  • LibreOffice
  • Microsoft Silverlight
  • Audacity
  • Ccleaner
  • Aimp
  • The Gimp
  • Inkscape
  • uTorrent
  • Skype
  • Cairo Dock
  • Mozilla FireFox
  • Comodo Dragon

Hello @Sergey ,

Ability to create a profile to install programs on the endpoints from ITSM is scheduled to be included in our upcoming release due on Q2 2017. Regarding your software list, most of the programs are already covered, but I will forward your request to the developers to add the missing ones.

Thank you for your feedback!

maybe you will provide more powerful feature? I see some problems. For example:

  1. I think list of “covered programs” is not big. Many useful soft not covered.
  2. Who will keep all covered soft updated? Silent installer?

Maybe C1 can use this service as partner’s backend? Not exactly THIS service, it just for example.

Hello @Sergey ,

Could you please elaborate your second request? " 2. Who will keep all covered soft updated? Silent installer? "

How covered most programs? Wich installation mechanism you chosed? Where distributives located? Some kind of repository or at oficial developers sites?


Once we have the delivery and update mechanism, enriching software list is not an issue. We already have it on our standalone patch module and we are already keeping them up to date. We can always extend it.

For the operational part, you don’t need to worry, we will get it from official vendors with proper silent installation commands and feed it to system on regular bases.


Hello @Sergey ,

You can patch these programs through standalone Patch Management module. At the moment the new PM module (from ITSM) is not supporting 3rd party programs, but this feature will be implemented in ITSM PM in Q1 2017.

I have been using a system called chocolatey and kick off the installs with procedures which contain quite a lot of software that may help in the mean time until software deployment is integrated into C1

Hi Sergey

I have a procedure to install chocolatey:

import subprocess;
process=subprocess.Popen(('powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iwr -UseBasicParsing | iex"'),shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE);
print stdout

and then to install software

import subprocess;
process=subprocess.Popen(('choco upgrade adobereader -y -allowEmptyChecksums'),shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE);
print stdout

You would have to go to the chocolatey website ( and have a look at package list to see what is there and for specific parameters to use it

Hello @Sergey ,

Regarding the 3rd party programs that you have requested, we have been informed that they have been added to the supported list in Patch Management.