Installing MSI from web url - error

I am trying to use this script to push an MSI file to be installed on the target machines (

In the parameter for the location I am supplying a URL ( and it immediately finishes with success but when looking at details it says that the MSI file was not found.

I can click on the URL and it downloads the file without any issues so the URL is not the problem. What am I missing?

Thank you,

Hi @deepiceman

The script you’re trying to use is for installing an MSI package that is already on the endpoint. It is not intended for downloading the package, it requires a local path, that’s why it’s not working for you.

For downloading and installing an MSI package from a URL you don’t need a script, just browse to the Device List, click on “Install or Manage Packages” and use the “Install Custom MSI/Packages” feature, see the attached screenshot.

Hope this will be helpful.

– Javier Llorente