Integration with IT Glue

IT Glue is excellent for IT documentation and site management - would love to see C1 / ITSM integrated. See :

They have an API and already integrate with many other RMM / PSA platforms; I can put you in touch with the EMEA Technical Manager if required …

@mikeh ,

That’s a wonderful insight. We will notify you via support email for any updates.

I have spoken to @melih about this as it would be good, or better still something built in-house

Hello @StrobeTech ,

We are upgrading little by little and we might also work on it in the future.
In the meantime this feature request : ITSM integration with ITGlue and Slack is already part of the roadmap
and planned to be delivered by the end of Q42017.
We will also add you in the loop and we will send you
an email for any update on its progress.

Kind Regards,

@Jay , that is good news. Just adding my support for ITGlue integration. It’s an absolutely fantastic tool.

Hi @mikeh , @bigblock and @StrobeTech . I did send you guys an email about the ITSM integration with ITGlue and Slack. Please check your respective mailbox for the update. Thank you. -Parker

I too would like a built-in document manager or integration, possible even a password manager. ITGlue works very well and I am not trying to down play it. Personally, we use SIPortal password management with built in client documentation and KB. We also have been trying out PassportalMSP password managment with the new Doc2 addon (Passportal can sync with active directory which has been nice). They have both perfectly suited for our situation as both password and client site document management. Both products have something the other does not or is cheaper at doing. They do have some platforms they can integrate with so maybe these can be approached as well?

Hi @alphatecsd
Thank you for the suggestions. Both document and password management systems are already added to the product roadmap.

The password manager feature is scheduled for a Q4 2018 release while the document manager is scheduled for a much later date. We will loop you in to these feature requests and inform you of important updates as they are released by the product development team.

Let me know you details and requirements on this as I’m working with Comodo on these features at present.

we should inform both SIPortal and PassportalMSP to integrate with C1. Perhaps you can tell them :slight_smile:

I was all for IT Glue but as I have done more testing and research, I found that IT Glue is impossible for me to justify as a small operation. It’s nice but the high cost per user, minimum of 5 users and onboarding all make it unaffordable for a small MSP like myself. Same with ITBoost. My only option then is SI Portal or building something in Confluence.

if you tell us what minimum requirement you have, give us the UI that you want to see, we’ll see what we can do for you :wink:

As @melih says, let us know what you need and we shall get something done…

Sorry, I didn’t even see you responded. However, I’ve been using SI Portal for a few months now and love it. It’s not as “pretty” as IT Glue but definitely more organized structurally. Plus, IT Glue’s 5 user minimum makes it pretty much impossible to afford for a small company. I think I’d really like to see an integration with SI Portal. I think it’d be a great fit as SI and C1 have eliminated major barriers to entry for new or small MSPs, both in terms of costs and complexity. They have an API and do integrate with some systems already. I’d be happy to help start that conversation if possible.


@bigblock I’d love to hear more about how siportal is working for you compared to IT Glue. I have been frustrated with IT Glue. From what I’ve been able to demo of siPortal it is much more flexible. I’d much rather see siPortal integration than IT Glue as well.


​​​​​​​I use both on a daily basis. I use SI Portal for my company and IT Glue for someone else (I also use C1 and Connectwise on a daily basis, I like C1 better). IT Glue has a speedy search feature and interface, faster than SI Portal. However, aside from cost, there’s 3 other drawbacks I’ve found:

  1. IT Glue is more unstructured so its easy to put things like documentation in the wrong categories. I prefer clicking through a couple extra items with SI Portal to get a more uniform structre to my documentation from client to client.

  2. Network documentation is far superior in SI Portal. Aside from IT Glue’s integration with Lucidchart, their network documentation is pretty much nonexistent.

  3. IT Glue charges for guest access. SI Portal allows read-only guests to view documentation for free, which is great for my clients who want access. They can’t modify anything but they can view.

I been speaking with a few MSPs and Everton seems to prefer SI Portal so this would be great to integrate.

I’m curious if this has gone anywhere yet? I would love to see these two integration features with IT Glue:

  1. Devices synced into IT Glue as Assets
  2. IT Glue Contacts synced back as Users

@rotschyinc ,

I believe a correspondence from our Development Team had been updated here.…-us-your-needs