Internal Note: Reason for editing the ticket (required)

Curious if it is possible to disable this requirement. When a case comes in an our techs edit the ticket, this is an extra step that we really don’t care about.


We understand that the internal note feature is an optional process on your end. We will forward a request to our Development Team to indicate an option/button to enable/disable this process. We will provide an email notification to your forum registered detail once our Product Developers provides an update.

Hello @hdcmaine,

Your suggestion for “Feature Request: Option to Disable/ enable Internal Note” currently shows on the road-map for implementation this Q4-2018.

Thank you for your patience.

Can you put me in the loop for this too, thanks.

Hello @Noiden,

Sure Marcus, you will receive an email shortly.
I`ll be adding you on the loop as well.
