Internet Security for macOS Devices with Dome Shield 1.17!

We are happy to announce the global availability of Dome Shield 1.17 .

All previous versions are updated to the latest version with no issues and service interruptions.

What’s New ?

  • macOS Roaming Agent: Dome Shield Roaming Agent is now available for macOS platform (10 and higher versions), helping users to protect their MAC devices on and off network. Dome Shield Roaming Agent creates encrypted DNSCrypt tunnel from the macOS devices to Dome Shield's cloud infrastructure, securing the DNS traffic and enforcing company web access/security policies set over Dome Shield Portal. Just open Dome Shield Portal and go to Configure > Objects > Roaming Devices then hit Download Agent and select macOS. All you have to do is click and install then done!
  • Comodo One US Zone Availability: Dome Shield is now available on Comodo One's US Zone for our users who are using our services over You can find Dome Portal at it's same place, under Applications > Dome Shield.
What's Coming Next ?
  • Active Directory Integration: Creating and managing user/group/department based domain filtering and security rules of Dome Shield will be possible. Moreover, it will give our users the ability of getting user/group/department based Reports.
We are looking forward to hearing your thoughts! And, don't forget to change your DNS to Dome Shield, it's FREE!

great work guys!