Issue with "Delete System Temp, Internet Temp and Browser Cache for all Users"


I am having an issue running the script: Delete System Temp, Internet Temp and Browser Cache for all Users

This issue happens on any windows machine that I attempt to execute it on, windows 7 and 10 were the operating system versions tested against.

I am running the script as the LocalSystem user

The error is:
File “<string>”, line 60 temp_path=os.path.join(rootpath,namedirs)+’\AppData\Local\Temp’ ^ SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

The error message is exactly the same on all machines. Any guidance on what to adjust would be greatly appreciated!


Hello @surety,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. Comodo is committed to your satisfaction and we in support will work with our development team to ensure the best possible response. We will create a support ticket for your case to have the issue investigated as soon as possible. We will reach you via email for additional details in resolving this issue.

Thank you for your patience.

Please keep me updated, too.

Hello @nct,

We have added you on the ticket as well. We will keep you updated.

Thank you.

Hi @surety

We’ll progress with your request and update you once it has been completed.

Thank you.

Hello @surety and @nct.

Our development team have modified the script. Please refer to the attached JSON file.

Let us know if you still need further assistance.

20180221-Delete-system-temp-files.json (4.2 KB)

@surety ,

We’ve seen your response over the support email, we thank you for your response. We’re glad that the script worked for you.

I have tried the updated script, but it doesn’t seem to work. If I run ‘C1 logs collecting + upload to Comodo sftp server’ will it help you troubleshoot, if I provide the endpoint’s name?

Hi @nct

we will modify and update to you shortly.

Thank you

Hi @nct

Could you please share your error logs which you were facing. It will help us to sort it out.
Thank you