Itarian Remote Control - Chat

I didn’t see a feature request for this yet, but if there’s already one or if this is on the roadmap, feel free to remove.

It would be awesome if Itarian Remote Control had a way to do a live text chat with the user at the computer you’re connecting to.
It would allow a technician to communicate in real time with the customer they’re connected to and vice versa.

GoToAssist, LogMeIn, and Team Viewer have supported live chat in this way for years.

Hello @thriggs
It is already included in the product roadmap so rest assured that the chat functionality will be added in the Comodo Remote Control (CRC) in the near future.

Do you have a date for this feature? Currently I’m opening up notepad and typing there, its a workaround but its not very efficient.

Hello @greenshieldtech,

The feature to improve the remote desktop to allow chat between the end user and the technician currently shows on the road-map for implementation this 2018-Q4.

We will also communicate with you shortly via email to keep you posted on this feature.

Is it confirmed to 2018-Q4?

Just waiting for this feature to leave my old RMM tool and use only ITarian!


@economicros ,

We have asked our Product Team for a timeline update. We will provide you with their feedback. We will add you on the loop to keep you updated on this functionality request.

Hello @economicros

Thank you very much for your message and interest in Remote Control!

With the current roadmap prioritization scheduled for Remote Control and Tools, In App and In session app chat features are planned as early mid-term roadmap items, which would translate to 6-12 months time frame.

Best Regards,

Product Manager,
Remote Control and Tools

Will this allow users to click on the communicator and have live chat with any engineer? That would be a good option at the moment i’m using teamviewer to do this.

Hello @monster-it !

Yes! Chat will have option to provide your endpoint users to select which technician they would like to talk to only if you configure this option to be available to your endpoint users.


Product Manager,
Remote Control and Tools

Something that is already a good product is nuMessage.
This platform and messaging features would be a good way of integrating this into the ITarian ecosystem.

I’m sure @melih and the team already have their eyes on this idea, and we all would love to see this happen.

Just from our end, chat should only be able to be started from the tech end else you will end up with way too many forms of communication and actually never get any work done.

Thank you Robin, I’ll,make sure this is on the radar screen of the product team.

Do we have an update on the chat with remote user function? I read previously Q4 2018, and were in now Q1 2019.

@cblackshear1 ,

We apologize about its delay of implementation in the production environment. We’ll seek an update with our Remote Tools Product Team of its update and inform you of its progress on the roadmap

just would like to bump this up and see if there’s any progress on this. it’d be a good addition to the CRC

The chat feature in the remote control application is still in the works @yaboc. It is part of the product roadmap’s mid-term (6-12 months) implementation timeline.

I’m super new here, but this functionality within the Endpoint Manager itself would be tremendous without having to open RC. I’m picturing the tech able to launch “Start Chat” from the “More” dropdown.

Looks like the RC functionality has been moving down the roadmap for a while now. Perhaps it would be easier to deploy in Endpoint Manager?

Hi @santisdel
The ‘Chat’ functionality in development will be available on both the remote control application and the Endpoint Manager (something similar to the Remote Tools function). Details on whether it will be implemented at the same time or not is still in discussion though.

Following this post … this would be a serious improvement to the product and would pull us away from using team viewer all together.

Agree with above… the facility to send a message via the Endpoint would be excellent… Many times I’d like to send a small warning that I’d like to remote in before I actually connect. The ITarian Remote manager would be an excellent location for that facility.

Sometime it is nice to give a warning or maybe ask a quick question instead of waiting for the SD emails to be sent and received.
What would be super great is for the chat to have a feature to allow you to save it against a ticket so the communication and information is not lost and logged correctly.