ITSM - deploying cutom msi files to endpoints

Hi, I’m looking to deploy an MSI installer to enpoints via C1. However so far i can only see that the ‘command is in the queue’. Is there anything i need to be looking at in terms of what MSI C1 will look at?

May we ask which method are you using to deploy the MSI @colinjones?

of course - from the list of devices I pick my target device and then select install custom msi/packages. I then fill in the URL to the MSI package and then click install

@colinjones ,

What is the status of the Device on ITSMP Portal? How long had it had it been on the queue and how many devices are we looking getting the custom MSI package deployed? Can you share us the MSI/Package URL sample you are trying to push? A reminder, the download link must be reachable from Amazon side and it does not work with self signed certificates set-up as well.


the url is

just to the one device currently. device is shown as online - LCSL1002

not using any transforms currently - just the vanilla installer.

Is the MSI installation command still stuck in the queue as of this posting @colinjones?

You may want to try one of the scripts in this link to deploy the MSI file if you want.