ITSM, Device List unavailable

Hi support,

Logged in to the Comodo ONE all OK. However the Device List in ITSM is unavailable.
Get a “500 Internal Server Error”

I also have this error, when trying to log in tonight.

Hi all,

ITSM was upgraded with new features :slight_smile: .Please check and share your results if problem continues .


I am still having this issue, I am having end users contact me for some assistance, and I am unable to assist. Can anyone else confirm that it is working???

@melih @Ilker @Wyatt @Dylan anyone?? I was under the impression that it upgrade was going to be the 28th, today is the 30th, and I still can’t access my endpoints. Is it an issue on your side?? I have cleared the cache, tried multiple computers, even one that had not experienced the 500 internal server error, all to the same ill fate…

Hello @mhberglund , @BOSS ,

We have contacted you by email regarding the reported issue.

I am back in guys, thanks

Confirming I could access the Device List. Thanks for sorting out the issue.