ITSM is down 502 bad gateway


Just finished tested it from 4 different US and Canadian networks. As soon as I log into and choose any of the 4 ITSM services I get 502 Bad Gateway.

Tested it on Rogers, Bell, Cogent, and Verizon.



We apologize for this unforeseen issue. We have alerted our development team about your report and have all C1 services checked on our end.

I’m getting the same thing…

@easterntech50 ,

Our development team is currently working on having the ITSM back on track. We will provide an update as soon as possible.

I am also having this issue, again…

I guess all services are working on your end, the back-end. But how about checking the front-end from outside Comodo using a different ISP? This way Comodo knows 100% whether their site is up or down. I hope it’s not some DDOS attack. I have seen some sites generate the “502 bad gateway” when their services are being DDOS attacked. :frowning:

@smoothrunnings ,

We thank you for your suggestion. Our development team was able to acknowledge the reported issue on the ITSM portal side which affects the Old RMM and Comodo Remote Control. However, they did not confirm that it is a Denial Service attack. We have asked a report on the root cause of the matter. Any details they share will be provided.

Any update on this?

Same error here from Denmark.

I have said it many times, and also posted it today. This is the only tool to use, and I use it exclusively, if I can, but have had to log in with CRC to uninstall the admin console and reboot, then push a reinstall, so it also has faults, but is still my go to tool.

I am now able to log into ITSM, but only about 1/8 of the systems show online??

LOL, down to only 4 devices showing online, and 3 are I devices!!!

Hello Gentlemen,

We understand that we might not be able to provide a timeframe yet but rest assure that our developers attention is directed on resolving the situation.
We will provide updates as soon as it is available.

Thank you for your patience and understanding on this matter.

Seems to me that most do not have any other option, all that can be done is wait!!! Got to love the old Admin Console.

Thru Verizon, Charter Spectrum, and CenturyLink DSL - we are getting the 502 Bad Gateway … and every so often we are able to get onto the ITSM webpage and see something but it quickly goes bad from there and we get the 502 bad gateway again … it has been this way all day for us …

This is not looking very good for your reputation as a company, if you can’t fixed this issue in a short time frame what stops you from taken the same amount of unacceptable time on resolving issues with your other products and services that you provided outside of ONE?


Hello @tfehlberg and @smoothrunnings,

We appreciate your feedback. We have communicated to our development team to have the issue resolved as quick as possible. The portal is still intermittent and we advised to check it a a later time. We will however provide any updates from our back end team as soon as possible.

Hello @tfehlberg @smoothrunnings @BOSS

The 502 error issue and showing systems as offline issues are fixed late last night night. Can you please check your systems today and inform us about any issue.


I am experiencing this issue again, now. Is the issue coming back up??

I had to delete my cache again, then it let me back in.