ITSM - Remote Control

  1. Add 2FA support to the remote client.
  2. Add an HTML5 Remote Application, so you don’t need to install a program on your computer.
  3. Support for more “quick commands” in the “flash icon” in the top menu, like start control panel, start command prompt etc…
  4. Add a hide function for the “quick menu” in the top.
  5. Add support for file transfers.

Hello @Noiden

Great to hear from you. I am the Product Manager of Comodo Remote Control and would like to give you some information regarding your requests with the alignment of our roadmap.

  1. Add 2FA support to the remote client.
    Two factor authentication will be available with February Release, so coming soon!

  2. Add an HTML5 Remote Application, so you don’t need to install a program on your computer.
    Remote Connection from Browser will be available with September Release.

  3. Support for more “quick commands” in the “flash icon” in the top menu, like start control panel, start command prompt etc…
    Thanks for this suggestion. I am adding this request to our voting list so that other users can also vote and bring this up as a desired functionality! Meanwhile, I am adding this request to our roadmap.
    Voting page URL:

  4. Add a hide function for the “quick menu” in the top.
    I am adding this request to our roadmap.

  5. Add support for file transfers.
    File transfer will be available with April Release and full support for File Transfers are scheduled for February 2019 Release.

Hi @BegumB ,

Cool! Thanks for quick answer.

Another remote control feature would be the ability to connect to a specific terminal server session from the remote control agent. Screenconnect has a pulldown that allows selection of the logged in user sessions

Hello @metromsp,

Your suggestion for Comodo Remote Control features currently shows on our road-map for implementation in 2018Q4.

Hello Everyone,

I’m new hear and what I am about to add has probably been discussed before, but until C1 gets file transfer to endpoints working in CRC, I plan to work around this by having at least one station/server on each LAN that I can RDP to with “show local drives” enabled in the RDP client. Send files to be transferred to a share on the RDP target, open, run, move them to the CRC endpoint via File Explorer - Network on the endpoint…

This works for me because I control the edge firewall and have RDP limited to my office IP. No one else can RDP to the Windows server except my office IP. ymmv. <g>

Happy New Year.


We will include you as well for any updates of the CRC file transfer Feature Functionality Request and provide any updates on its progress. Happy New Year!

Hello @Noiden,

We would like to update you regarding the feature request “CRC - ITSM additional quick commands”. At the moment, the planned release of the said update is 2020Q1. Any changes or update will be posted on this forum page and support ticket associated with the request. Thank you

Hello @Noiden,

Regarding with your feature request ‘ITSM Add a hide function for the “quick menu” in the top’, we would like to inform you that this feature has been released with the latest platform update.
Thank you for your suggestions.


I would like to request that we have the ability to start the remote control in Scaled mode instead of having to switch to it each time we open a new session. I have to choose the Scaled optikon 20-30 times per day right now. For comparison, ScreenConnect opens in Scaled mode by default and it is very helpful when you’re busy.

Big Block

Hello @bigblock
Thank you for the suggestion with ‘launching CRC in a specific view mode by default’. We will forward this to our product development team for further review.

Command line tool from the main console would be helpful to run command line in the background without disturbing the endpoint user or performing a complete remote session.

@sig ,

We thank you for your suggestion. We have received a similar request for this functionality and we’ll make sure to update you with news from Development for any updates on this feature.

This one i missing so many things I am not sure where to start…

  1. File System/transfer
  2. Chat
  3. Process/Services Control
  4. Command prompt.
  5. Event Log viewer.

Hello @rockowwc,

Good day. All mentioned feature are listed on the roadmap. The File System/transfer and Chat functionality are planned to be implemented on 2018Q4. We will add you to the loop of email to receive the latest update for each feature. Thank you

Any plans to introduce SOS style access, where you generate a code and the client enters it into a box to connect to a session.

Hi @rockowwc ,

Thank you very much for providing us your suggestion. We took note this and we will get in touch soon for an update through email. Thank you.