ITSM when will it include Monitoring Profiles and Procedures?

Just wondering now with RMM falling away from the portal when will Monitoring profiles and Procedures be added to ITSM natively

Hello @Marveltec ,

Thank you for your inquiry! We have contacted you by email in regards to it.

Hi @Marveltec

We are on the latest phase of tests. We plan to release it on this Sunday. More details will come soon…


And once its released this coming sunday, it will only be the start of one amazing capability that we will improve with every release.


Thats great news looking forward to this release

Any status updates? Doesn’t seem like it was released yesterday.

Hi @Ilker ,

Yes I don’t see the update either was it released?


Due to some unforeseen events the upgrade was postponed. We will let you know as soon as we have more news about this.

We apologize for the inconveniences that this delay has created!

Delays happen but, in the interest of transparency, could you guys announce when they happen? It’s much preferred to having to ask “what happened?” after the fact.

Hello @PromptCare ,

We usually announce any change in the release flow (delays and releases before first schedule) as soon as we hear about them, however due to the fact that there are several places where these announcements should be posted, sometimes we might overlook some of the places where an issue has been reported (and that is the reason why we prefer using emails, because this way we can definitely keep track of all the reported issues/feature requests). We try our best not to miss any threads on this forum so we can keep everyone informed, however mistakes can happen from time to time (in this case @SecuraDM 's post brought to our attention that we didn’t post on this thread).

We appreciate your understanding in this matter.