[January]What's New on Comodo ONE Portal?

We would like to inform you that we are going to have new releases over Comodo ONE on Saturday (01/27/2018) morning. Platform will be on maintenance mode for 4 hours, early Saturday. We expect to have no service outage in general. If you observe any brief connectivity issues, please retry later in the day. You can find detailed release notes below.

  • Added one more action to the list of actions captured in audit logs. We now store logs for following actions:
    o Audit logs for Login and Logout o Audit Logs for Account MSP/Enterprise Create o Audit Logs for Customer Create/update/Delete o Audit Logs for Staff Create/update/Delete o Audit Logs for Role Create/update/Delete o Audit Logs for"change on "two Factor Auth Settings" o Audit Logs for"change on "Scheduled Report"
    o Audit Logs for new Module purchase on store and licence add on existing module to cWatch

You can reach wiki of the feature from https://wiki.comodo.com/frontend/web…odo-one-portal

  • All logs are stored in the Comodo One portal.
  • Service Desk logs can now also be viewed from the Comodo portal (in addition to C1 portal logs)
  • Predefined C1 roles are now editable. You can now configure the permissions of predefined roles. Previously, admins had to copy a predefined role then modify the permissions of the copy.
  • Improved Azure AD integration. Now you can now manually synchronize any time after a change. We also added the ability to view the synchronization status of each group, in addition to that of the account.
  • We have one more new features about Azure AD integration which come from January Release, during the syncronization you can see the status of syncronzation not only account but also each group.
  • Streamlined onboarding process. The account setup page now only requires applicants to choose ‘Business type’ and ‘Subdomain’ as mandatory fields.
Bug Fixes • C1 module was stuck on provisioning (spinning circle).This issue is fixed now. • Scheduled Executive Reports was not being delivered. This issue is solved.

Best regards,