[January] What's New on Patch Management?

Hello everyone!

We are excited to inform you that we are planning to have a new release scheduled to go live Saturday 18th of January, 2020. morning!

The release is expected to take 15 minutes to deploy, during that time platform will be under maintenance mode. Post-deployment tests are expected to continue until 4 pm EST during which you may observe minor glitches. If you observe any issues, please feel free to share with us.

Patch Management
New Features
Added ‘Reboot Pending’ status to patch manager

New ‘Reboot Pending’ status informs you that a device needs to be restarted for the patch to become effective.

Bug Fixes
● Fixed the issue of incomplete logs for third party application installations.
● Fixed the issue of third party patch procedure failing on Microsoft OneDrive.

Best Regards,
Product Management Team

Where do we find this new feature?

Added ‘Reboot Pending’ status to patch manager
New ‘Reboot Pending’ status informs you that a device needs to be restarted for the patch to become effective.

Hello @chris_h ,

Thank you for your query and interest in our new features. You can track it from various places.

1- Applications -> Patch Management -> Operating System -> {Selected Patch} -> Device List tab
2- From Device List -> Device Management -> {Selected Device} -> Patch Management -> Operating System section
3- From Device List -> Device Management -> {Selected Device} -> Logs -> Patch Management section

Also, you will be able to configure patch procedures with setting alert when a device is pending for reboot after patch procedure is applied from Configuration Templates -> Procedures -> General -> Enable “Use alert settings when the procedure pending for reboot” option (Please see attached screenshot)

A wiki about this feature is being generated and will be available as soon as possible.

If you have more questions, I would be more than happy to help you.

Best Regards,


​​​​​​​1) can’t see where; only have DEVICE NAME, OWNER NAME, CUSTOMER, INSTALLED, REMARK ) and I note that it is still impossible to see only a list of devices needing patches rather than a single unsorted list with both installed yes/no

  1. not that I can see - there is a reboot column but as far as I know that isn’t about it being pending but rather if the patch requires a reboot to install

  2. ok I have found that - although there is a much better way probably looking at the procedure’s execution log as that give a more global view than having to look at devices individually

It would be much more helpful to have a some way of reporting on this globally from the device management device list screen to get a list of those devices pending a reboot.