[July] What's New on Comodo Client Security? (2020-07-16)

Comodo Client Security Windows
New Features

● Ability to change background in Virtual Desktop.
Here is the wiki of this feature.
● CisCleanupTool improvements
Here is the wiki of this feature.
● Support PreVolumeMount event in scope of Device Control and Auto Scan features
● FS Virtualization Unit - Testing

Data Loss Prevention:
● HTML export for all Log tables present in the Logs View.
● Removable storage rule supports new device types as below;
○ Removable storage rule supports new device types as below;
○ USB Data Devices
○ External HDDs /SSDs
○ Optical Devices (CD/DVD)
○ SD, Micro SD Cards, SDXC-SDHC cards
○ eSata removable drives
○ FireWire connected devices
○ Devices using MTP protocol

Vulnerability Fixes
● Update Quarantine and Delete File Flow for AV signature detection

Bug Fixes
● CCS performance issues - slow UI and slow scan speeds

Best Regards,
Product Management Team



What are the improvements? “CisCleanupTool improvements”
What exactly is “FS Virtualization Unit”?

Hi @nct ,

“FS Virtualization Unit” We improved our containment functionality. No user experience change.
As you know we are implementing DLP features to our system. “CisCleanupTool improvements” is for adopting our all systems to new DLP features. Also no user experience change.


Thanks, what exactly has changed?