[June] What's New on Remote Monitoring and Management?

Hello everyone,

We are excited to inform you that we are planning to have new releases scheduled to go live on Saturday (2019-06-08) morning!

The release is expected to take 30 minutes to deploy, during that time platform will be under maintenance mode. Post-deployment tests are expected to continue until 2 pm EST during which you may observe minor glitches. If you observe any issues, please feel free to share with us.

Remote Monitoring and Management

New Features

  • Maintenance Window compliance warnings
    • Endpoint Manager will warn you if you set an end-time for a patch procedure which is outside that of the maintenance window. The warning will list the maintenance window times so you can adjust accordingly.
  • Passing Parameters for Custom Script Monitors
    • You can now use custom procedures with parameters when creating a monitor Here is the wiki of this feature.
  • Clearer, Filterable, Exportable Procedure Logs
    • The procedure logs placed under the execution logs tab will have the ability to filter with respect to following columns:
      • Device online status
      • Device Name, Started at
      • Started by
      • Launch Type
      • Finished at
      • Status
      • Last status update
    • You will be able to export all devices execution logs with the following new fields:
      • Last execution time
      • Last execution status
      • Additional information
      • SD ticket link
      • SD ticket status
      • SD ticket created on
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the issue of Endpoint Manager Portal sending late email notifications about triggered monitors.
  • Fixed the issue of incorrect time within email notifications about triggered monitors.
  • Fixed the issue of being unable to set “End Time Settings” correctly for scheduled procedures.
Regards Product Management Team

What about scheduled reboots from the portal?

Hi @libretech, ability to reboot different Devices can be done with a procedure.
Subsequently the procedure can be scheduled.

Reboot-machine.json (979 Bytes)

Can 3rd party applications be added to the run when added to policy yet??

This feature would help admins so much with standardisation as adding new machines would auto deploy apps, policies and more.

Hello @StrobeTech ,

Thank you very much for providing us your suggestion.
Your input is important to us as it will help to improve the usefulness of C1 for the entire users’ community.
We have submitted your request to our product team and rest assured that we`ll keep you posted on its progress.
