Kill non-workflow items!

Please, when you develop any feature - check how this feature can receive workflow and continue workflow. For example lets take monitoring alert. You did this. Thanks, but you as always did anti-workflow feature. You didnt think about what MSPs can do with this alert.

Now when we get alert -what we can do? Almost nothing. No info about executed rule, no link to customer, no link to device. Or we should make separated monitoring section for every rule. So why some rules at same monitoring section?

please, think about any feature as a workflow-feature.

Hi @Sergey

Thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it as always. However, I should answer this one in a different way.

  1. Almost nothing (which I don’t think fair statement in this situation) is always more than nothing :slight_smile:
  2. If a monitor triggers, as of today, you can see which device it triggered, the threshold and actual value it triggered and when it triggered.
  3. Agile methodology requires work to be done in iterations to deliver value sooner than later and frequent. We deliver our software in iterations as well. I am sure you are seeing this every month if not more often. So, if you don’t see something today, doesn’t mean it is not being worked on or not planned. You just received drill down functionality on ITSM portal notifications on recent release a day ago :slight_smile: This is how fast we are…
  4. I believe you already provided similar feedback before and we replied about these. We might be repeating ourselves but yes, we have a lot more on alerting improvements on roadmap. Better explanation, more detailed context info over service desk tickets and notifications are coming…

Thank you again for sharing your valuable and constructive feedback. I am sure you would also appreciate our effort on making things better on each iteration rather than killing something.
