Korumail 6.7.5 Released!

Hi everyone,

We are happy to announce our new release. This release provides some important features, improvements and fixes. This post communicates all of these changes in Korumail Secure Email Gateway.


  • In order to monitor better, logging mail delivery details is added additionally for each emails to provide more information for admins.
  • To sign reply emails, domain key signing process is added for auto-reply emails.
  • To get reports easily, email logs page is enhanced to allow exporting all queried logs in a one csv file.
  • To identify O365 official IPs, the new Microsoft Office 365 outbound IP provider service is integrated to our core engine.
  • To provide better detection in Email DLP protection, DLP file type detection processor is improved to catch file types more precisely.
  • To provide better verification in Email DLP protection, DLP regex syntax verification process is improved to veirfy regexes.
  • Bugfixes about graphical user interface to prevent vulnerabilities according to updated UI configuration sets.
  • Bugfix in outgoing limit calculation to apply related limits much more precisely.
  • Bugfix in outgoing SMTP processor to process emails quicker for delivery.
  • Bugfix in sender address control to verify senders accurately.
  • Bugfix in license activation process to prevent some activiation problems.
  • Bugfix in SMTP TLS configuration page to show configurations much more understandable.
  • Bugfix about UI SSL certificate to overcome such issues about adding a new ceritificate.
We will keep you posted. Meanwhile, if you have any questions about this release, feel free to ask below.

Best Regards,

Oytun Yavuz
Product Manager