Lead Generation using C1 Tools

1)Network Assessment Tool
With this tool you can run a whole assessment of the network and generate a substantial report that you can share. This will help show a potential customer why they should choose you.

2)Unknown File Hunter
This tool will scan and find all the “Unknown Files” and provide a forensic analysis about what these files are about. Good or bad (100% verdict on if its good or bad). No assumption based verdicts like other Antivirus products do, they scan looking for bad stuff, if they can’t find it, they assume the rest is good. With our system we 100% make sure the file is good or bad and make no assumption. A very sophisticated system that brings 100% visibility to whats running or hiding on your network. On average around 3% of all unknown files in Enterprise is malware. 1 in 3 enterprise that run this tool had a malware they didn’t know about nor was caught by their current providers.

3)Free RMM for Break-Fix Customers
Any break-fix customer can now have full RMM capability because there is no cost to it. This way you can install C1 platform for all your break-fix customers and can provide them a report of all the stuff that needs your attention, hence making a very good case to these break-fix customers as to why they should go to a managed service model.