Lead Generation using C1 Tools

1)Network Assessment Tool
With this tool you can run a whole assessment of the network and generate a substantial report that you can share. This will help show a potential customer why they should choose you.

2)Unknown File Hunter
This tool will scan and find all the “Unknown Files” and provide a forensic analysis about what these files are about. Good or bad (100% verdict on if its good or bad). No assumption based verdicts like other Antivirus products do, they scan looking for bad stuff, if they can’t find it, they assume the rest is good. With our system we 100% make sure the file is good or bad and make no assumption. A very sophisticated system that brings 100% visibility to whats running or hiding on your network. On average around 3% of all unknown files in Enterprise is malware. 1 in 3 enterprise that run this tool had a malware they didn’t know about nor was caught by their current providers.

3)Free RMM for Break-Fix Customers
Any break-fix customer can now have full RMM capability because there is no cost to it. This way you can install C1 platform for all your break-fix customers and can provide them a report of all the stuff that needs your attention, hence making a very good case to these break-fix customers as to why they should go to a managed service model.

What with RMM? Somebody from your support team told me about RMM disctontinued and everybody go to the ITSM.

And RMM is absolutely not suitable for break-fix customers. RMM provides to MSPs full access to customer’s device without any alerting about remote connections. Access to file systems, desktop, etc.

Need localized tool that scan PC and show many red charts :slight_smile: with calculated Death date for every of metrics. Red charts we can show customers not only from they PCs (reports), but I think you may create Customer Affraiding Page (CAP :slight_smile: ) at C1 portal wich we can show to customer at stuff’s iPads.

Hello @Sergey

Thank you for all the feedback. We will forward it to the team.

Sergey, RMM is a general name referred to Remote Monitoring and Management tools. Our RMM tool is integrated into ITSM. So when I refer to RMM, I am referring to RMM module inside ITSM. Hope this clarifies.

how do we calculate the “death date”?

Simple example - WIndows eats 1 GB of system disk every day. Now at disk 5 Gb free space, so Death date = today + 5 days :slight_smile:
Choose predefined critical parameters values, and using statistics of resource calculate day, when it exceed critical value.

We enrolled customer’s devices. Be useful if we will can generate Customer’s IT infrastructure passport: Per PC list of PCs, it hardware, software, current status…
(And later at this passport include tickets per device for selected date range).

What for it: We make first come to customers, enrolling they devices and TA-DA here you are your Infrastructure Passport (with fields for password of course :slight_smile: ).
And also needed in this case - auto detect connected offline devices when enroll PC - printers, displays, etc…

Is it possible?

*** and of course include to this passport previously described Customer Afraid Page.

Hello @Sergey ,

We are not sure that we understand exactly how this feature should look like. What exactly is a red chart and how can it be generated? Also, regarding the death date, how can we tell that Windows takes 1 GB of free space every day (and not any other value, because it is clear that this value varies from endpoint to endpoint)? Is this value random or is there a way to determine it? Going forward, can you please share with us your ideas regarding the CAP page?

Also, about Customer IT infrastructure passport, is this different than the current reports that you can generate from ITSM?

About 1Gb. Of course it impossible to calculate at one moment. When ITSM agent works at workstation it can approximately calculate average free space reducing.

About passport - may be I dont nderstand something? How to generate report with info:

  1. Customer info (organization, addresss)
  2. Customer’s devices (and per-device info: hardware, software, HDD SMART errors, Windows critical errors, network info, PC users)

Hello @Sergey ,

I think that @Nick was referring to the way the “passport” should be implemented, rather than to the information it should contain. Would adding new reports, that would include the information requested, be OK ? Or would you like this feature to work differently ?

Need information from my prevously post.
And we need this tool as part of Network Assestment tool. Or as separated app for first visit to customer and later for continously auditing they IT infrastructure

Hello @Sergey

Thank for your feedback. We will forward this as a Feature Request. We will keep you updated on it as well.