

All our endpoints have active EM/AEP premium licences. We also have an EM/AEP (Free unlimited) licence which expires soon but dont have any endpoints utilising this.

We’ve recently had a new licence appear within our portal… ‘Endpoint Manager Standard Edition’ with a licence type of ‘postpaid’. Its desciption states…

‘License of this type cannot be allocated from Endpoint Manager, you can only view its properties.’

Can any Comodo/Itarian staff explain the relevence of and use for this licence please?

@Ed_Johnson i would be more than happy to. I will PM you to set up a call over the phone. Have a great day!

Hi @Ed_Johnson ,

ITarian from the outset will be a usage payment system and invoices generated at the end of each month for the previous month. (I believe that is the license your are referring to)

In the last week or so they have now added the ability for us to provide pre paid licenses in the same way as CCS/AEP so you have a key and a cap etc.

Hope that helps and if you need any licenses etc please get in touch!