Licensing and other information

I am struggling with their documentation. I am not able to find information on products or pricing. there help section is outdated. What is the pricing for SOCaap? And what is it? what is Valkyrie? What is MDR? Is there any place that has straight forward information and pricing? There wiki is less than helpful. I Like the product it is for the most part intuitive, but why is it so complicated to get information?

hi @dsherer

thank you for reaching out to us. Request you to kindly drop an email to with your detailed query along with your contact no and email address. We will forward it to the concerned sales team and they shall reach out to you directly.

Hi @dsherer

Please let me clear a few things ups as we unfortunately at ITarian and Xcitium have a few legacy names which often cause confusion.

The live and available products from both companies are: -

  • Essentials
  • ITarian Device
  • ITarian Mobile
  • Xcitium Client Security
  • Xcitium Managed SOC / MDR - Device
  • Xcitium Managed SOC / MDR - Cloud
  • Xcitium Managed SOC / MDR - Network

Pricing for these products can be gained by speaking to one of our customer success team on

Looking at some of the older naming you have mentioned, here is the old and new names for them to make this clear for you.

SOCaaP = Xcitium Managed SOC / MDR [Device, Cloud & Network]
This is a managed service provided by Xcitium to make sure your device are safe, monitoring and required actioned taken.

Valkyrie = Xcitium Verdict Cloud
This is the automated cloud service for scanning and rating files. If files cannot be 100% assessed then the current information is then queued up for a human to review and finish off any investigation.

MDR = Xcitium Managed SOC / MDR [Device, Cloud & Network]
See “SOCaaP” above.

Unfortunately, there are differences between the Xcitium and ITarian interfaces meaning you need to make sure your using the right set of documentation. Our documentation can be found at

I am also trying to get rid off from all these.

Hi @luluchanda

Your post does not seem to have context to the thread, how can we help you in understanding our product set?

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