Limit information in ticket

My organization wants to be able to delegate tickets to people in different departments and roles. I’ve already found both the Role and Department setups to be very useful to limit agents to a single ticket queue that is specific to their department. However, the problem now is that there is so much extra information provided in the ticket (like all the information about the device if the ticket is submitted via the Endpoint Manager client) that it will confuse our agents, most of whom work in something other than an IT role. Is there a way that we can limit what information appears in tickets assigned to certain departments so we can make the ticket as easy to understand as possible?

Hello STarLord,

Thanks for your post. We will come up with a case ID for you to followup up further.

Hello @STarLord ,

Of course, we can arrange fields for specified roles. Can you please send me an email for fields you want to see/or not for each roles? Then I will take this request on our roadmap.

Kind regards,

I’m not sure I explained this properly. I, as an admin of our ITarian implementation, would like to be able to edit which fields are shown in a ticket, specifically in the “Ticket Information” dropdown area. So much of it remains blank anyways if the ticket is fetched via email, so having all those empty fields creates unnecessary clutter and confuses many of our agents who aren’t tech-savvy. Is it possible for me, as an admin, to edit myself what fields are shown by default, especially for tickets submitted via an email?

Hello @STarLord,

It is not possible right now. But we will be working on this feature. We added it to the our roadmap.

Kind regards,