Live chat support

How about live chat with tech,support instead PC’s ITSM agent?

Is it possible to chating using installed ITSM agent (for customer) and C1 web interface (for tech staff)?

Hi @Sergey,

We will have our support team look into adding this feature request to the platform.

Just to clarify, you want your customers to be able to chat with your tech staff using the Comodo Remote Control. Additionally, you are also requesting for a separate chat module for your technicians, possibly through the C1 web interface. Are we correct in understanding your request?

We do have an upcoming release for the end-user to communicate with their support staff using CCC to be released on Q4 of 2017.

We will send you an email for updates on this request.

Thank you.

Please keep me informed about this feature,too.

Hi @nct ,

Sure. We will add you on the loop to keep you posted on this as well.
