local backups

I was wondering if the acronis product can be used for local backups? i have clients on small data allowance internet connections and cloud based solutions will not work for them



Hello @cccservices ,

We don’t have the information available off-hand but we’ll get them for you and provide you with an update as soon as we can.


Hello @cccservices , As far as I understand you would like to know about enabling the local backup option for your clients
Please refer to the attached screenshot. It shows where in UI the option for local backup is located.

The link below is the backup cheat sheet. It contains instructions on configuring different types of the backup plan including local ones.

thanks for the quick reply.how does the pricing for the product work if the client is backing up locally?

Hello @cccservices,

You can check your billing details for Acronis in the Comodo One Platform. Go to Management > Applications > Select Acronis Back Up > Billing.
You can also refer to this guide:

As you are using the Acronis Back Up technology, the prices indicated on the platform would still remain the same even if the back up is used locally.

Thank you.

All I want to do is make sure the backups have completed and what was backed up. this client will be backing up TB’s a month to local storage so they would need more than the biggest plan. The cost is not right for just monitoring

Hello @cccservices
We strongly advise that you contact your account manager to discuss with him/her the Acronis Backup specifics of what will best fit your client’s needs. If you don’t know your account manager’s contact details, you may inquire at (+1) 973-859-4000.