MAC Support

is MAC remote control and monitoring or being able to push installs to MACs in the road map?

@mspsupport We will try to answer your concern and update you as soon as possible thru email. We will just need to confirm if this is already part of the upcoming release. If not, we can include that as a next feature request.

Would also be good to extend the Python run procedures into Mac, if you are able to authorise Comodo via Gatekeeper to be a registered developer or use the spctl commodo to allow Comodo to run scripts on a mac. So many uses for this like checking system profile, to installing apps.

to update others see the below email from support. In case anyone else was wondering. Also yes it would be great to get some scripts for the mac side of things.


The remote control for MAC devices will be available in Q2 of 2017 but we do not yet have the exact date of the release in which it will be implemented.

We will add your ticket in the loop and once we will have the date of the release we will notify you.

Kind Regards,
Business & Enterprise Technical Support Team

@mspsupport Thank you for sharing this information and feedback. We are constantly working on it and improving it.