Managed ipads

I am trying to implement control over our ipads. I have put the ipads in supervised mode. My questions is the same as this thread ( but it didn’t solve my query.

How do I stop the user from removing the profile from the ipad. The profile prevents you from uninstalling the endpointmanager app but the user can go inte settings and remove the profile which then uninstalls the app and removes control.

A follow up question if i want to make changes to an ipad that I have locked down, like change the passcode or uninstall an app(which is not allowed in the profile). Do I need to remove the profile from the Ipads make the changes and then apply the profile again? This would be rather time consuming on 36 ipads, is there a better way?

Hello @Leif ,

Please correct me if I understand the situation, so your user is able to uninstall EM application on the device right?
Can we verify if you already have Configure Restrictions settings from the ipad`s profile on Endpoint Manager
and uncheck Allow App uninstall?

No need. After successful enrollment of your device, you can update the profile and wait for few minutes to propagate the changes on your endpoint.

They cannot uninstall the EM application, they can remove the applied profile from the ipads settings. When the profile is removed the EM applications is automatically uninstalled.

For exampel if i want to uninstall an app from the ipads which is restricted. Do I remove the profile, uninstall the app and then apply the profile again?


They cannot uninstall the EM application, they can remove the applied profile from the ipads settings. When the profile is removed the EM applications is automatically uninstalled.

There is no method available currently in the Endpoint Manager (EM) to prevent such a scenario, unfortunately. This is mainly due to the security and privacy settings as implemented by Apple on iOS devices. You may want to check a post in the Apple Discussions for an available method.

For exampel if i want to uninstall an app from the ipads which is restricted. Do I remove the profile, uninstall the app and then apply the profile again?

The Blacklist app feature in the EM will help with restricting apps in iOS devices. Uninstalling a ‘blacklisted’ app does not require making changes to the profile association.

@Rick_C Thankyou for the help. I think this will work installing a profile from apple configurator that is password protected and another from EM that controls the things I want more flexible. Now I am trying to get the profiles to work as a want.

When i enroll the device before i associate any profile there is already limitations as if there was a profile installed is it the default profile that is installed?

I have associated a profile that allows app uninstall, i get the message that it was succesfully added to the device, but on the ipad it still says app uninstall not allowed. Why doesnt the profile work?

Hello @Leif ,

We do not recommend to use default profile so the user needs to clone it and apply it to the device.

I have associated a profile that allows app uninstall, i get the message that it was succesfully added to the device, but on the ipad it still says app uninstall not allowed. Why doesnt the profile work?

Please double check how many profiles associated on the device affected, make sure that the only profile present is the one you have configured.

When i enroll the device before i have any profile present there is already 21 limitations present on the ipad as if there was a profile applied. I have checked and no profile is applied. I have then applied my own profile that allows uninstall of apps. When i check it is the only profile applied to the device but on the ipad i cannot uninstall apps.

Ok i set a new default profile and re-enrolled the device and then it is working as i wish.

@Leif ,

There might have been a delay in propagating the other profile. Have you tried removing the unneeded profile now that the profiles have been applied successfully?