Manual RMM enrollment

Hi everyone,

Have been reading up on this across the help guides, but I seem to be finding more questions than answers.

For example, the guide shows it being possible from the RMM console, yet there no longer appears to be an add device link on the task bar for devices, so I assume this feature is no longer offered direct from the RMM console?

Patch management module allows download of the agent directly for PM, and it also mentions the option of adding RMM capability, but I have so far not found information on how to toggle this. Is it just that it’s all integrated now when you download the agent manually?

Finally, ITSM has the enroll function, yet I have had issues when trying to use gmail. If I configure gmail as the default email handler in a browser I keep getting outlook popping up or ITSM hangs after trying to sign in (already signed in). Manual enrollment would seem to be the better option, but need more information on this.

Thanks in advance.

I primarily now use the following workflow.

  • Within ITSM, setup an admin user for the client.
  • Enroll the device using this user account.
  • Install Comodo ONE Client using the link which is emailed, or via MSI bulk install file.
  • Install RMM service via ITSM option if required.
  • Install Comodo Endpoint Secuirty via ITSM option if required.

Thanks Mikael,

Where it is not working to enroll via email, I would try the MSI bulk install file. Is this the one available via the Patch module, or is there another link to access these files?

Hello @Pablo ,

The online guide for RMM seems to be outdated, I have notified the appropriate staff and they will be updated as soon as possible.

The RMM and PM capabilities of ITSM can be enabled/disabled from ITSM - Settings - Extensions
Patch Management, as a stand-alone module has more features and requires a separate Agent installer: In the future we intend to fully integrate the Patch Management features in ITSM

If you would rather enroll the devices manually, the easy way would be to go ITSM - Devices - Bulk Installation Package - Offline Package, select the Version you would like to install, a Profile and a User, please find more details here:

Should you require further assistance, please feel free to contact us by email as well:

Thanks a bunch Dylan,

Just what I was after.