MDM virtual container to allow wiping only work data

I would like to see some implementation that allows only work data to be wiped from a mobile device. I have used a variety of MDM solutions. One function that makes or breaks a client’s willingness to go with a solution is the ability to segregate work data (many solutions call it a virtual container) from personal and only remote wipe the work container and email. Right now it seems the only option via ITSM is a full factory reset which raises legal issues when dealing with a personal phone. Yes, a company can force a user to use a company phone or sign a waiver but many clients would rather got with no MDM rather than go through that.

Hi @alphatecsd
Thank you very much for providing us your suggestion for an MDM virtual container for work data. Your input is important to us as it will help improve the usefulness of the C1 platform for the entire users’ community. We have submitted your request to our product development team where they will review it and determine where it will fit best on the product roadmap. You can expect to hear back from us in less than 10 business days with a timeframe for the planned implementation.

Hi @alphatecsd

I think what you are looking for is Corporate Wipe and it is already a feature of ITSM. Could you please check the help guides and let us know if we are missing anything?

Best regards,

I only see Wipe Full Device on my console. I will uninstall and reinstall the client on the phones and see if the corporate option shows.

I tested creating different profiles with different options and all show only the Full Wipe option.

Hi @alphatecsd

It looks like a defect, Support team will create a defect ticket and inform you about the progress.

Thank you!

Corporate Wipe was a separate option that was removing the ITSM agent from device and removing work data. The same functionality we have when device is removed from the portal. So basically - just select your Android device, click remove and it will uninstall ITSM agent and mage a Corporate Wipe.

Hello @alphatecsd ,

As provided by İlker, this is a UI defect. The “Corporate Wipe” button will be put back. You can use the delete device button for now as @Vadym_Volyansky suggested. It have the same functionality.

I have tried that and all emails and apps still stay installed. the only thing that changes is that the ITSM client just says to activate my license now. Nothing that was installed and controlled by the android profile actually uninstalled. All the emails are still there and continue to receive new emails.

HI @alphatecsd
We forwarded your recent observation to the product development team. Based on the ticket, they already plan to put back the ‘Corporate Wipe’ option. But they will definitely check the observation you shared with us and try to replicate the scenario.

It works if I move the phone to a group with no Android apps, then wait for it to wipe the configured data. I can then delete the phone otherwise if I try to just delete the phone, the client does not wipe the configured information first.

What do you mean by ‘a group with no Android Apps’ @alphatecsd ? Are you referring to a Profile?

In my setup I do not set profile to individual devices. I set profiles to the groups so all devices in the group get the same profile. So in essence, the key was to leave the device attached to ITSM, get it out of the profile with the mobile settings no longer wanted, wait for the phone to remove the data, THEN delete the device. I did have a couple times where only removing profiles did not work, I actually had to give the phone a profile that had no mobile settings. Thus in my setup, I moved the phone from Android group to Workstations and after the phone deleted the data, I deleted the phone.

Hi @alphatecsd
We shared your above observations with the product development team. We will update you as soon as we get word from them. Thank you.