Mobile website

I know there is no good mobile app for the RMM or any of it’s tools. I wonder if there is a “Mobile optimized” website we could use instead? Maybe something like

Hi @Fred,

Our developers is currently for the need of this feature. It currently shows on the road-map with the following implementation timeline: {Long-Term (more than 12 months)}. We will contact you as soon as this timeline becomes more accurate.

Hi @Fred

There is a good mobile app for Itarian Service Desk but nothing else so far.

Would be interested to know what you have planned for such access as a mobile is not the greatest tool to support a user from.

I can see it being invaluable to small/one man shops where you may be on site at a client, and you get a phone call about something that you know you either have a procedure for or a quick reboot might fix it, or you need to kill a process for a user. You don’t really need to stop that long to pull out you laptop while at another site when you could just quick open the app, push the item, and get back to work.

Wondering why using a tablet, or cell phone’s browser would not work for the simple tasks mentioned above. reboot machine, or checking on, or starting a procedure.

The site runs about the same as a workstation from the testing on my side, of course the remote control isn’t available.

Hi @miker1000,

A request about having a mobile compatible version of ITarian portal has been submitted to our development team. Our product management team is aware of your request and this feature is currently on the road-map. We have created a support ticket for you so we can contact you as soon as the timeline becomes more accurate.

I’d be happy with the most basic app for now… Just the ability to see which endopints are online and maybe be able to reboot them would be great.

Again… the website is already pretty mobile friendly. You can already do all the basics just by logging into the iTarian web portal from your cell or tablet. No app is really needed.

Why would an app be needed, it wouldn’t really be any different, unless it added remote control.

Hello @Ed_Johnson

A request has already been created for that particular ability and we have created a ticket for you in order for us to notify you once there is an update from our developers.

With best regards

I think creating App will be a good addition to your site, Every one have smartphone and with the App it will be more easier.


“There’s an App for that” era, I remember the good old days of mobile websites …

It would work perfectly if the website was mobile friendly. The forum site is great on a mobile device, however not the main site. At least not on my android phone.

yea, my Note9 takes a little work on some tasks, but overall pretty easy to navigate for simple tasks.