
Is there any talk yet about making a mobile app for android? Either an RMM app with all the functions of the web but fit for mobile or the crm directly app?

‘All the functions of the web platform’ is asking a bit much. I’d be happy with even the most simple ability to just see which endpoints are online/offline.

The only response you’re likely to get though is the usual… ‘It’s in our roadmap’ Which has been the standard response for at least the last couple of years.

Hello @Fred ,
Thanks for your request.
We are working on remotely accessing devices from Android devices now and our plan is to release in 2021.

I’d be happy with even the most simple ability to just see which endpoints are online/offline.

With this improvement you can see offline and online devices and connect windows device from your Android devices.

Best Regards,
Product Management Team

That’s great

Personally, just the ability to see the statue of endpoints would be adequate for our use.

Great thanks.