Modified Device Heath Report in CSV File Format

This procedure script , ITSM - device Heath Report in CSV File Format, already exists
But can we have a version that includes the dates that each patch was installed, the importance and status.

When we run this procedure on multiple devices, can they all be included in the same csv file, as different worksheets, or all in the same worksheet?

I have attached an example of the report we are able to generate with the current version of this script.

example.txt (44.8 KB)

Hi @RobertNEL

We will analyze your request and update the script to meet your needs.
Soon we will get back to you.

Thank you
Have a nice day.

Hi @RobertNEL

We are glad to inform you, I have completed the script. It will help you to get the health report details for selected device or all devices as one report and sends an email.

Let us know your feedback.

Thank you

This new script, can the output be generated as a CSV please which is attached to a email. The script you have created, does not do this.

Hai @RobertNEL ,

Thanks for your feedback,

We will check the script and update you.

Thank you

Hi @RobertNEL

Please provide the following details to receive the report in “.CSV” format.

Note: “without head computer name the script will complete successfully but you will not receive mail”

no=“xx” #Edit the xx parameter as Device Timeout. Eg if you have 500 enrolled endpoints then that xx must “100”.
Head_computer=r’LAVA’ # Head computer to send the email

emailto=‘’ # Email address to send the report

Run the script as a “system user”.

Let us know your feedback.

Thank you.