Modify users imported from LDAP

I want to edit users imported via LDAP. Is there a way to do this? if not, are there plans for this being a feature added in the future?
(I don’t need the changes made to users in ITSM to be replicated in AD)

Hello @Xander ,

Can we be more specific with the editing?
For more information regarding importing users to LDAP, please click here.
Here is for Managing LDAP Accounts.
Please tell us if the information did not suffice your needs so we can request for
a new feature.

Kind Regards,

Hi @Jay
I want to edit the “Phone Number” field so i can add the phone numbers of users that i synced from LDAP, but there is no option to edit any users synced from LDAP

Not sure if it makes a difference but i synced LDAP with the agent through a computer, not directly to AD


Hello @Xander,

Good day and we appreciate for clarifying your concern. The feature is not yet implemented on the system, we have created a Feature Request and let our developers know about the said request. We will keep you posted on this forum page and the support ticket created to this request. Thank you