more suggestions 2

In the RMM menu under device list it would be nice to see the AV icon listed on machines that have AV (non-comodo av) installed, maybe getting crafty and when someone mouses over the AV it says what is installed, example, AVG, Kaspersky, Symantec, and or McAfee. It would good to see if AV is installed and what is installed for AV in the machines summary too.

It would nice if the software list, and device list were formatted in alphabetical order by default.

In LabTech and in Kaseya when you drill into the device tree you see the following, it would nice if that too worked here:

→ Servers
→ Server1
→ Server2
→ Workstations
→ Laptop1
→ Desktop1


Hi @smoothrunnings
Development for the old RMM has already stopped, unfortunately.

So your saying the RMM I see from the web portal is the old version? I think you are confusing people by saying that… You understand what I am asking, if not you need to escalate this question to someone who does. Sorry I work for a very well known MSP in Canada who’s been in business for 27 years. We know as techs that if we are unsure about someone we ask the client just so we don’t make a bad assumption. What I am referring to is…if you log into your site and follow these steps…Log into the Comodo One Portal then go to Applications at the top of the page and select RMM which is under IT and Security Manager. The initial question about improving AV detection is related to the device selection, any device, then the summary page after you double on the device in question.

Suggestion for CRC.

  • Have an option to blank out the users screen while IT works on their machine. So the users screen goes blank while the screen for IT reminds normal. This allows us to work on the machine without the client/user looking over our shoulder. Plus we all know every company has a person or persons who thinks they are better than their IT. Having a blank screen option avoid this kind of friction.

So your saying the RMM I see from the web portal is the old version? I think you are confusing people by saying that…

It is the old version. It is only available for those who were able to activate it before the linked announcement. New C1 accounts may see the ‘RMM’ option under ITSM but it will only lead to the ‘Device List’. Also, these C1 users will not be able to log in to the (old) RMM admin console.

Suggestion for CRC.

  • Have an option to blank out the users screen while IT works on their machine. So the users screen goes blank while the screen for IT reminds normal. This allows us to work on the machine without the client/user looking over our shoulder. Plus we all know every company has a person or persons who thinks they are better than their IT. Having a blank screen option avoid this kind of friction.

This feature is already in the product roadmap and is scheduled to be implemented on the latter part of 2018.

Hi @smoothrunnings . We did send you an email about your suggestion “Ability to show Third Party Anti-virus on Device Summary”. Please check your mailbox. Thank you.

I don’t see that email. I only see the one about the sorting by name as a default. Can someone resend it?


Fix the MSP forum URL in the support section of ITSM to point to correct URL. I had problems with this url after I posted the first message about the default group that I had to literally go to the domain before the forum would even load.

It currently points to:

Patch Management:

Great idea to allow use to push patches out however MS isn’t perfect with this own patching so there will be times when we want to ignore certain patches from being installed. There should be a feature to allow us to ignore whatever patch we choose. This would also cut down on the alerting that machines are missing patches in the device list.

Password Management:

Not sure how far you want to take One Comodo. But I can tell you from experience these other folks who make MSP software don’t have system that allows you securely store your clients passwords. My vision would be to see such a app implemented but also maybe as a paid feature provide a pro service that you can create an app that sync’s our network admin account passwords back to Comodo which you guys should update ever x number of minutes or hours depending on what we set it to. This would require you to somehow add a feature in CRC to paste what we have in the clipboard as you can’t simply copy and paste a password at the log on screen of server or workstation. Currently MSP’s have to use a 3rd party to manage their passwords (if they are doing it right) such as Passportal or ITGlue.

Seeing what command or script is queued or running/completed/error message on any given server/workstation.

Unless I am blind. When I push out an update or the option to install or push out the Security Client I can’t seem to see where its at with installing it. I should be able to see this, even if it errors out I should be able to see why it errored out so I can correct the problem. ??

We have replied via support email about confirming the Feature Functionality request Ability to show “Third Party Anti-virus on Device Summary” as mentioned by @Parker this request had been forwarded to our Product Development team for analysis and we will provide notification for any updates.


Fix the MSP forum URL in the support section of ITSM to point to correct URL. I had problems with this URL after I posted the first message about the default group that I had to literally go to the domain before the forum would even load.

It currently points to:

We apologize for this inconvenience. We have informed our development team to make the necessary corrections.