Move devie from one profile to another


I’m struggling to see how I can move a device from one profile to another.

The logical route would be to go into the device, to the “Associated Profiles” tab and then have an ADD or CHANGE button. Instead it just shows me the current profile and no option to change it.

Alternatively I would be able to go to the profile, view members and have the facility to move them to a different profile there.

Either way, it would appear that the only way currently is to uninstall and reinstall the Comodo ONE client.



Hello @H2OITSolutions

If you wish to change the ITSM profile of one of your managed devices, assuming that the device is not already part of a group with a preset profile or the user that it is assigned to is not himself part of a group that has a profile preset, you can open the device, go to Associated profiles > Hit “Manage Profiles” > “Add Profiles” > Select the profile that you want applied and hit Save.

If there is already a profile associated, after you hit “Manage profiles” you are presented with the possibility to remove that specific profile.

Please let us know if you managed to change the profile.

I don’t see it working that way. In some of my problematic agents, I see multiple “associated profiles”, but when I click on Manage Profile, nothing is there. If I apply a profile, it overwrites the two “ghost” profiles, which is fine, however, when should the changes show up in RMM? Immediately? 1-2 hours? 12-24 hours? or, “It doesn’t work that way” ?

A couple of basic questions:
1.) It appears that multiple profiles can be assigned, for example if I have a antivirus profile configured and a monitoring profile configured, I should be able to apply both, or is it recommended to only have one profile for the device, that would contain AV and Monitoring?
2.) In the old RMM stand alone product, I was able to create a company, and under that company create a group? or sub-company? In ITSM, is it possible to do the same thing? The example here is a company that has multiple offices. (In this case the bills for three branches are invoiced to the parent company. One company, three offices)
I add a new “group” under a company in ITSM, but it seems to never make it to RMM Admin. Should it work this way, or am I confused by the old RMM stand alone that had something ITSM doesn’t?

Hello @Rickkee ,

They are not ‘ghost’ profiles, they are default profiles. A device that doesn’t have a profile inherited through a source (by applying a profile on Device, Device Group, User or User Group), will have the Default profile(s) applied automatically. You can see what profiles are set as default by going to Configuration Templates > Default Profiles. When you apply a profile on a device, it will replace any default profile applied to that machine. Depending on the device type (if it is Android or Windows) it will take for a few minutes for the profile to be pushed to the devices and to be successfully processed (applied) to that device. Regarding the changes that should show up in RMM, assuming that you have configured some monitors and/or procedures, they will be applied with the profile.

About your questions:

  1. You can apply as many profiles as you want to. If for example you have 2 profiles applied on the same machine and they have a setting configured differently, the most restrictive setting will take place (e.g. if in the first profile the firewall module is disabled but in the second one the module is enabled, the module will be enabled on the machine).
  2. Indeed, the Device Groups from ITSM are not imported into RMM, however, the upcoming ITSM releases will reduce the use of the RMM Admin Console, because all the functions that are currently provided by the console will be available in ITSM.

Is there a way to create a branch office (site) under a customer? The RMM stand alone or previous version would allow this. I can’t seem to recreate it. There are previously created empth “branch offices” I cannot seem to get rid of, and some of them are still populated. I was able to move them to the default “site” but do not see where to create an additional sub-site. I can rename the default site, but that is as far as i can go.

Example 2

2016-08-23 10_52_38-RMM Administration Console 6.1.397172.522.jpg

2016-08-23 10_57_22-RMM Administration Console 6.1.397172.522.jpg

Hello @Rickkee ,

We have contacted you by email regarding this issue. Looking forward to your reply there.