MS update KB4022716 causing problems in pcs runing CIS Client Security

Hello and good day to all , yesterday my pc received an update from Microsoft MS update KB4022716 wich caused my desktop to be black after instaling ,reeboting my pc i have found that this is related to an incompatibility with CIS Client security! does someone knows what is going on ? i have to delay this MS update in all the pcs that i have , runing CIS or they will be like mine, this isue must be solved or there will be problems ! . I m runing windows 10 latest build , i just wanted to inform about this , and if someone knows anything about it please share it thank you!

Hello @duarte236
This effect of this specific Windows Update to certain Comodo security software has been acknowledged already. Do check the following forum post on the home user side:
More updates about it will be released in the following days.

For now, delaying the installation of KB4022716 to your enrolled Windows devices will be an excellent move on your part. A permanent fix will be coming soon.

Thank you for your kind info!

Are Windows 10 machines only affected or Windows 7 as well?

Hi @nikki
At the time, almost all reported affected PCs are running Windows 10. Even though Windows 7 users still outnumber Windows 10 users, there were few reported instances of it. As of this posting, the conflict with KB4022716 has been resolved already with the latest update to CIS. You can check that here.