MSI Deployment - Only deploys RMM module, and prompts for UAC

Hello, I have not tried to deploy the .msi file yet, I tested it just by copying to a desktop and running. I was prompted for UAC. Will the program install without admin access? It often requires several reboots with fast user switching, but I am concerned end users may be prompted by UAC, and may need to have a manager enter admin username and password to deploy.

Also, the .msi only installs the RMM… How do you push the patching module? Or do I have to remote to each desktop and run the full installer?


Hello @Rickkee

The RMM Agent will need admin access in order to install and that is why you were prompted to allow it by UAC.
You can also mass deploy it if you want.
1. Deploying through Active Directory with a Group Policy Object Definition:
a. First, obtain a side deployment package from the RMM administration console. Please follow the instructions in this guide: Next, download the MSI to your machine or Active Directory server. All computers enrolled in this step will be enrolled under your chosen company and site that you made when you were creating the MSI link.
b. Next, configure a group policy object on your Active Directory Server as described in the following article:

2. Deploying with a script:
a. First, obtain a side deployment package from the RMM administration console. Please follow the instructions in this guide: and then download the MSI to your machine. All computers enrolled in this step will be enrolled under your chosen company and site that you made when you were creating the MSI link.
b. Once you get the MSI, place it to a shared space or a common path that your other computers can get as well.
c. Next, create and push the installation script to all endpoints within a proper path. An example command could be: “msiexec.exe /i “S:\global\packages\rmm-agent-x86_s3Cxxxxx.msi” /quiet”. You can also use PsExec utility for creating installation script. An example would be “psexec.exe @ComputersList.txt -u WORKGROUP\administrator -p password msiexec /i “S:\global\packages\rmm-agent-x86_s3Cxxxxx.msi” /quiet”. Please be sure to configure the example script according to your path and package name when you configure for your own environment.

Please check the forum link about this topic as well:

Thought I would chime in since I just ran into this. Once the RMM is deployed there is now an option in the Procedures (Look under Application install) to push the Patch Management agent. I did this last night and I thought it was stalled but left it for a while. When I came back Patch Agent was installed? Nice! I think I also notice the Patch Agent now is an MSI as well so could be pushed through GPO now.

Nice Catch Kent. I didn’t even look at the drop down box before. It is a good workaround for the current issue with installing Patch Agent.

I purchased PDQ Deploy Pro license for $250 that allows for scheduled installations. I used it to deploy Comodo RMM and Patch to various PC’s and it worked pretty good (we also used it for other tools were are testing). I tested with the free version and it worked but with the Pro version I can scan AD, and it will push to all powered on PC’s immediately and will get the others when they are powered back on. That alone was worth $250 for me. The licensing is $250 per person that will use the installation so we can have it installed in 20 locations but as long as there is only 1 person using the product you only need 1 license. Seemed fair to me. Disclosure I am in no way affiliated with PDQ Deploy, just happy with the product.